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When Do We Deliver?

Please select your location from the dropdown-menu below, and see which day of the week we deliver to your area.

How to order? Product list? Prices?

Before you order, you might want to check our delivery schedule for your area. You will find this by clicking order now on our homepage. A popup where you can choose your delivery area will let you know which day of the week your area is being serviced. If you wish to order our Golden Box online please click here. You will find the contents of the current weekly Golden Box explained, according to the size you will choose. The sizes vary from small, medium to large. Please choose according to your household size. You can then choose to receive the Box only once or to subscribe to a discounted monthly package of four deliveries in total. After that you can add-on more products of your choice, like fruits and vegetables, as well as delicious products like honey, eggs, tapenade or dried produce.  You can also place your order via telephone call or WhatsApp us at 0101 89 44 699.

How do I sign up to the weekly box?

You can sign up online by choosing your subscription length, for example “One box per week for a month/4 deliveries” or any other subscription length (3, 6 or 12 month) in the ordering process on our website. Click on the following links for the Small Golden Box, the Medium Golden Box or the Large Golden Box. You can also call or WhatsApp us on 0101 89 44 699.

Is there a minimum order amount?

Yes. The minimum order amount is 400 le if you are choosing only from our add-on list. 

What is The Golden Box by Sara's Organic Food?

The idea behind the Golden Box  is to supply you with a seasonal selection of the right amount of healthy produce. You will receive a selection of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, specially curated by our team. The Golden Box will include only the freshest organic and premium produce, harvested daily from our fields, with the option to add-on delicious goodies, such as our happy hen eggs, raw honey, and jams. The Box will be occasionally accompanied by recipes for our seasonal produce. Place an order each week according to your needs, or subscribe in advance to 4 deliveries (1 month) or more to become a Golden Member and receive 5% discount. This will guarantee you first dibs on new products and experiences held at our farm. 

How many box sizes do you offer?

The box comes in 3 different sizes: small, medium and large based on your family size and lifestyle.

The Small Box: contains 10-11 seasonal items, typically 7-8 vegetables, 1-2 leaves, 1 herb. Recommended for 1-2 people.
The Medium Box: contains 16-17 seasonal items, typically 11-12 vegetables, 2-3 leaves, 1-2 herbs. Recommended for 3-4 people.
The Large Box: contains 18-19 seasonal items, typically 14-16 vegetables, 3-4 leaves, 1-2 herbs. Recommended for 5 or more people.

Why choose The Golden Box by Sara’s Organic Food?

We grow food, that we believe is healthy and kind to the environment. Growing organic food in the desert is far from easy, and every season we plan to grow a certain amount of produce that we think you will buy. As a farm we also have to be prudent with the amounts we plant and harvest, so subsequently it happens that we run out and don’t have enough produce to serve everyone who would like to buy from us.

By becoming a Golden Box member and subscribing to 4 or more weeks in advance – we will guarantee you, your share of fresh organic vegetables and delicious fruit. You will also get first dibs on limited products such as our baladi happy hen eggs, duck eggs, raw honey, and much more. You will also receive advance notice for our popular harvesting and farm events.

If you care about your health and the environment – you are doing the right thing to order the Golden Box. This way, you are supporting clean food that was grown by environmentally friendly and sustainable farming practices. As part of our Farm Family, we will let you know when harvests are strong so you can get seasonal deals. We may also surprise you with free samples from our experimental fields.

Can I choose what's in my box each week?

Unfortunately No. Part of eating fresh and in season means giving up a little choice.
We think it is well worth it and hope you agree! Choose your weekly box size and it will be sent to you with the best the season has to offer, hassle-free.

What if I'm allergic to a certain item?

Let us know which items you wish to remove from your box, for medical reasons. We will do our best to provide an alternate item, typically substituting fruit for a fruit and a vegetable for a vegetable.

How do I add other items to my box as a one-time extra?

After selecting your box size, you will find the Add-on list. Here you can add delicious farm goodies such as our happy hen eggs, raw honey, and jams with the quantities you want.

Is everything in the box strictly organic?

We have two lines of produce. Our first line is Sara’s Organic Food (SOF) the other one is Lara’s Premium Produce (LPP). SOF is EU organic certified and LPP is Global Gap certified and grown according to exports quality. The Golden Box is a mix of organic and premium produce. To find out more about our two brands and how we are certified, check our brands and retail page as well as the certification page.

Do you deliver boxes outside of Cairo?

Yes, we deliver to Gouna and Alexandria. Please check our delivery schedule under “What is the delivery schedule?” here in the FAQ.

Do you deliver to Alexandria?

Unfortunately we no longer deliver to Alexandria. We will keep our clients updated if we will provide this delivery route again in the future. 

Do you deliver to EL Gouna?

Yes, we deliver to El Gouna every Monday afternoon. The deadline for ordering is Saturday 12 pm. 

What is the delivery schedule?

We deliver to each area one day a week, as it’s the most efficient way to get farm-to-home produce with the least amount of emissions.
Your box will be delivered between 11 am and 7 pm on:

SUNDAY – Garden City l Downtown l Nasr City l Heliopolis (place your order by Saturday 12 pm)
MONDAY – Maadi (place your order by Sunday 12 pm) l El-Gouna (place your order by Saturday 12 pm)
TUESDAY – Zamalek l New Giza l AL-Solaimaneyah l Dokki l Mohandeseen l Agouza l City View l Giza (place your order by Monday 12 pm) 
WEDNESDAY – New Cairo l Rehab l Katameya Heights (place your order by Tuesday 12 pm)
THURSDAY – 6th of October (place your order by Wednesday 12 pm) 

We may need to confirm your order by phone – kindly save our farm number 0101 89 44 699. You can reach us by phone or WhatsApp Saturday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Outside our phone hours, kindly send us an e-mail to info@sarasorganicfood.com

How much is the delivery fee?

There is no delivery fee at the moment. This applies for all the destinations within our regular delivery schedule. 

How do I postpone my next delivery or put my delivery on hold?

If you would like to postpone your box delivery for the week, just inform us 48 hours prior to your next scheduled delivery day to schedule a delivery hold and move forward one week.

How do I change my delivery address?

If you have ordered via our website, you can change your billing and delivery address under “My Account”  by clicking “Manage your shipping and billing address”. Please allow 48 hours before the scheduled delivery time, for the change to come into effect. If you have ordered via WhatsApp or Telephone, you should let us know via email at info@sarasorganicfood.com, via WhatsApp, or Telephone at 0101 89 44 699. 

What's the difference between the old box and the golden box?

With The Golden Box by Sara’s Organic Food, you can not choose the contents yourself. But you are still signing up for a guaranteed share of only the best seasonal fruits, veggies, and herbs that we grow. Although you will not be able to customize your box, we do our best to accommodate preferences or allergies. You can also select our delicious farm goodies such as our happy hen eggs, raw honey, jams, and more as add-ons. If you subscribe in advance to 4 deliveries, you also become a Golden Member and have a 5% discount and first dibs on new products and experiences held at our farm. Our commitment to quality brings with itself, that we produce seasonal. We grow best – when it is growing best! We try out new produce every season, which means a chance for you, to explore new vegetables and fruits that were not previously part of your diet. The Golden Box will be occasionally accompanied by recipes and tips for our produce. Why did we call it “Golden”? Because we bring you only the best each season has to offer, straight from the farm to your home.

Something is missing from my order, what do I do?

This should not happen! We are very dedicated to getting everything right during our packing and delivery process – but after all, it is human to make mistakes. In the unfortunate case, that you did order something, and it was missing from your delivery – please do let us know via WhatsApp or Telephone on 0101 89 44 699 or write an email on info@sarasorganicfood.com. We will for sure make it up to you! 

What should I do if my box has not arrived?

This should not happen! We are very dedicated to getting everything right during our packing and delivery process – but after all, it is human to make mistakes. In the unfortunate case, that you did order your Golden Box online or via WhatsApp/via call, and it was not delivered to you as expected  – please do let us know via WhatsApp or Telephone 0101 89 44 699 or write an email on info@sarasorganicfood.com. We will for sure make it up to you!

Where is your farm location?

Our farm is located at the Cairo-Alexandria desert road 74-76 km. If you wish to visit our farm, for a day at the farm experience or you would like to plan an event there – please find out more on our experience page or communicate with us via the contact form.

Can I visit your farm?

We host monthly experiences at the farm. The experience date and details are shared on our social media, as well as online.  You can book on our website, once the event has been announced. If you would like to come to the farm for a private event (minimum 30 people), please do send an email to experiences@sarasorganicfood.com. We will be very happy to plan your private experience with you. 

Whom to contact for Import/Export?

For import/export inquiries kindly send us an email at info@sarasorganicfood.com and we will get back to you shortly.

What's the difference between Sara and Lara´s produce?

Sara’s Organic Food and Lara’s Premium Produce are sister brands united in the shared vision of bringing healthy and top-quality food to our customers. Both brands share a vision but a different purpose and therefore adhere to different quality standards.

Sara’s Organic Food brand (SOF) is certified organic and sold throughout Egypt. All SOF’s produce meets the European Union requirement for organic food. This means no pesky chemicals in your fruits or veggies. SOF produce is sourced from various small organic farms throughout Egypt as well as from our very own family-run farm. All SOF produce is guaranteed to be healthy, tasty, sustainable, and always organic certified. SOF is dedicated to cultivating and bringing to you the freshest, tastiest and healthiest fruits and vegetables that Egypt can grow.

We collaborate closely with our farmers to develop farming practices that best fit each location. We want to sell food that is good for your health, the farmer’s health, and the planet’s health. Lara’s Premium Produce, SOF’s sister brand, is Global G.A.P and GRASP certified. This means, the customer is guaranteed, that the food they consume is sustainably and safely produced. The certification manages the farms, their soil, and their scarce resources to guarantee the health of the planet for our children and the following generations. Global Gap assures that the farmers are treated fairly as well as assures the quality of the food. SOF is dedicated to partnering with farms in developing more sustainable farming practices. Lara’s Premium Produce focuses on regenerative and low-input agriculture and ensuring the health of tomorrow’s earth. There is no planet B!

How do you guarantee the quality of Lara´s Premium Produce?

Lara’s Premium Produce (LPP) comes from trusted neighboring farms, and adheres to strict sourcing quality control and random testing to make sure that it is indeed healthy, clean, and safe. We only choose the best quality, genuine produce that is pesticide-free and grown with love in Egypt. LPP is is Global G.A.P and GRASP certified. Read more about these certifications here.

How can I sign up to your Newsletter?

To sign up to our newsletter, please click here.

I want to apply for a job?

We are always happy to hear about like-minded, professional people, wanting to join our team. Kindly send us your initiative application and CV to info@sarasorganicfood.com.

Where can I find your produce in the market?

You can find Sara’s Organic Food and Lara’s Premium Produce at our trusted retail partners:

Gourmet: Zamalek, Dokki, Guzeira Plaza , City stars (Heliopolis), Degla & street 9 (Maadi), Boori Center & Katameya Fifth settlment & Water Way (New Cairo),
5th settlement HUB, Maadi HUB, & Al Safwa HUB (6 October) & El Gouna branch in front of Tawila

Sunny Market: Zamalek

Nun Center Farmers’ Market Zamalek: every saturday from 10 am to 2 pm

CSA in Maadi: every Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm

Fresh Foods Market: Palm Hills (October)

Premier: Arabila Plaza Eltagamo3

Best Way: El Sheikh Zayed and El Gouna

The Grocer: Zamalek & Capital Mall (October)

Can I buy your produce in bulk?

Do you wish to get a certain fruit or vegetable in big quantities? When in season, we also offer our produce in bulk.  We have some bulk-order opportunities in our Add on list of produce as well as in our seasonal box offers. If you wish to buy out of the ordinary amounts for your restaurant or hotel please do contact us via info@sarasorganicfood.com. The minimum order amount is 400 Le.

Do you re-use the delivery boxes?

Yes, we do, for various purposes. We are grateful if you return your old box with your next delivery.

What is your cancellation policy for event tickets?

If our clients cancel their attendance to the event experience, 72 hours before, they will receive a total refund of their ticket price.


If our clients cancel their attendance to the event experience, 48 hours before, we will refund their ticket with a deduction of 25% from the ticket price.


If our clients cancel their attendance to the event experience, on the same day of the event, we will deduct 50% from the ticket price and refund 50% back to the client.